The Random Number Generation Functionality of a Proposed Hybrid Network Performance Simulator

Autor/autori: Ph.D Eng. Laurențiu BOICESCU, Prof. Ph.D Eng. Victor CROITORU

Rezumat: Una dintre cerințele preliminare ale analizei de performanță este posibilitatea de a genera secvențe aleatoare de numere având anumite distribuții statistice. Articolul prezintă procesul de generare denumere aleatoare din cadrul unui nou simulator (denumit Hybrid Network Performance Simulator).

Cuvinte cheie: Hybrid Network Performance Simulator, rețele hibride, generare de numere aleatoare

Abstract: One of the prerequisites of performance analysis is the ability to generate random sequences of numbers having specific statistical distributions. The paper presents the random number generation process implemented in a new simulator (entitled Hybrid Network Performance Simulator)

Keywords: Hybrid Network Performance Simulator, hybrid networks, random number generation